Having a box of brand new books arrive in the mail always perks me up.

This means the weeks and months of laboring over a story has come to a conclusion. But the real satisfaction has only begun!
This time, there’s a unique feel, because this release is my very first cozy mystery. As it makes its debut, I hope readers will cheer for my characters as they strive to solve the death of a church member right in the basement kitchen.
How awful!
My challenge, besides learning the ins and outs of cozies, was to step inside Madge and Bill’s heads as they tackled this intrigue. The local sheriff carried out his investigation, of course, but seemed to be getting nowhere.
Madge, always curious anyway, received even more motivation from her status as a suspect in the murder, along with their new young pastor. What a conundrum, to suddenly be fingerprinted and questioned–something neither of them would ever have imagined.
My first box of books came a couple of days ago, and yesterday my first sale occurred. Ta DA!

This Saturday, I’ll be doing local book signings, hoping for more readers to descend and be excited about this cover and the contents.
One thing’s for sure. This process never gets old.
Congratulations, Gail!
Thank you. It’s another step on this journey.
Congratulations, Gail!!! I am so excited for you and hope to read your newest creation.
Thanks, Connie. I’m pretty sure it will take you back to Iowa (:
I’m already reading it, Gail, and it is wonderful!
Oh, great! Thank you for letting me know. Would really appreciate you posting reviews, Martha.
I give a thumbs up on your new book👍😃 . It was fun to read and held me in suspense of who did it! I read it on my kindle and encourage others to read it also. Thanks for your talented writing bringing joy as well as knowledge of the times to my days.
Oh, thank you!! With your WWII memories, your opinion is unique and SO valuable!
I’m so looking forward to, “A Mystery on Church Street” and will be getting this book for the church library.
I hope there will be a sequel to it as well.
Well, we’ll see who shows up in my head and heart!