We associate flowers with spring, including the traditional Easter lily for this Sunday when our thoughts turn to resurrection. But in this blustery wintry storm in Northern Iowa, we need some cheery pansies.

The word pansy comes from mid 15th century French from the word penser, and pensee is the feminine form, meaning to think or ponder over something. The French word pensee derives from the Latin word pensare which means to consider or pendare which means to take measure of a situation, to take everything into consideration.

I can’t help but think of those who went before us, who spent their holidays…often several years’ worth of Easters far from loved ones, on battle fields, in field hospitals or other dangerous situations. They must have thought again and again, “this will one day be over.”
So taking into consideration all this day stands for–Hope instead of despair, light to replace darkness, life triumphing over death–a joyful Easter to you in spite of a nasty virus and in the midst of a snowstorm.
Let us always look for reasons to hope my friend. God’s blessings.
Great post, Gail. I love the hope you inspire in your message, and the pansies are lovely.
I love learning about words–their roots and foreign forms.
When we lived in Germany, I was amused to learn that my neighbors called pansies “stiefmutterchen”–“my little stepmother.” They thought the flowers looked like the wrinkled faces of older women, deep in thought. 🙂