What could be prettier than primroses in the dappled shade of a cottage garden?
Just ask Keats or Byron or another Romantic poet . . .

My reply– nothing could be prettier.
Or maybe primroses amidst a daisy patch?

But then I spied these. Best of all would be primroses in bright sunlight that highlights the unique patina of each petal.

And there you have it, my inspiration for today. I’m editing for someone, and the manuscript’s adjectives, metaphors, and other colorful language brings the characters to life. That’s our goal, always–whether writing fiction or nonfiction.
So many nuances to each lovely, delicate primrose!
Truly beautiful inspiration!
Thanks, Maggie. I agree…sort of a simple flower, if there’s such a thing, but so lovely!
My early walk this morning didn’t reveal primroses, but, oh, the gladiolas! Every color imaginable standing tall and proud among the low-growing white candytuft. Red roses climbing a terraced wall, Momma Duck with four babies, blue birds at our feeders. Sun shining, faint breeze. Oh, glorious morning–thank you, God.
Oh!! We need pictures! The terraced wall….white candytuft…please post!