It might sound a bit confusing to look forward to a retreat, but I’m quoting an author friend from Connecticut when I say this. Today she told me she’d made her reservations at the quaint GILES HOTEL in Comfort, TX for our late February writers’ retreat.

In military terms, the word retreat smells of defeat, but more than one victory has come about after troops experienced a retreat. Take General George Washington, for instance–when facing General Howe’s forces, retreat became Washington’s strategy.

We’ve all seen the painting and heard the story of this famed Revolutionary War hero crossing the Delaware with his men in the dead of night . . . well, that qualified as a RETREAT. General Washington retreated his troops many times, but in the end, those retreats contributed to his final victory over the British.

Gazebo with breakfast/meeting room in background

A limited number of authors, or as some of them would say, “wannabes” will gather in Comfort, Tx, not far from San Antonio. We chose this venue purposefully, since the hotel’s own history highlighted one of the stories in our 2022 Christmas collection.

We’ll eat together, explore some writing genres and techniques in mini-workshops, and venture forth into the quaint town of Comfort to explore the wealth of history right down the street. Some will be working on stories for the 2023 edition of A Hill Country Christmas . . . that’s exciting!

Others may spend time on their own, if that’s what they need at this point–any portion of our schedule is open to individual discretion, of course. But hopefully our networking will enhance the effect of retreating.

We still have some spots left–join this site for more information.

Facebook address for Deep in the Heart Writers Retreat (event):

or contact us:

Gail at or Lynn Dean at


6 thoughts on “RETREAT TO VICTORY

  1. Excellent newsletter, Gail, as always. I quote: A limited number of authors, or as some of them would say, “wannabes” … That sentence rang my bell, so I’m perched on one of my favorite soapboxes. I strongly reject “wannabe authors.” Anyone who “puts words on paper” or the equivalent IS AN AUTHOR. I will accept “wannabe PUBLISHED author”! I wish for you and yours a healthy and prosperous 2023.

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