Thoughts on Christmas Day

The Advent season of darkness and possibility pivots on hope, such a marvelous commodity. But in the darkness, hope can seem an impossibility.

One of Lance’s photos–Christmas candlelight Dec 24, 2021.

Darkness reminds us of our need for light. C.S. Lewis said it well, “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

This past year gave us ample situations for our inner desire for serenity, safety and sanity. We certainly realize our need for peace, protection and perspective.

During this week before New Year’s, perhaps it would be good to think back to all the “lights” that came to us this past year. The moments of intuition and calmness in the midst of raging political and cultural storms around us.

I wonder what the American GI’s stuck in the Battle of the Bulge nearly eight decades ago. Food, of course, and warmth–two essentials gravely lacking in their foxholes. But surely they also remembered family times, loved ones who held them in their hearts, perhaps recent letters that re-stated the love emanating from homes far away.

Here’s to recalling the lights in our own personal histories, reminders of good overcoming evil and hope drowning out despair. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

9 thoughts on “Thoughts on Christmas Day

  1. My Uncle Bob was in the Battle of the Bulge, but he never talked about it. He brought my aunt (his little sister) a handmade doll he’d “bought” for a package of cigarettes.

  2. I’m sure those guys wanted to talk about anything else! Must have been beyond awful. We didn’t find out an acquaintance of ours was at the Bulge until at his FUNERAL! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hi Gail! Merry Christmas! Trying to get back to sleep but slipped down a trail on my phone and landed here. Earlier tonight, I was on a walk and testing out my new gadget: a U-shaped light that fits around the neck and shines two little lights ahead, hands-free. I had been singing carols as I walked and as I came down the hill toward home, I asked the Lord, “What do I need to know, see or hear from You?” One word came: Light. This is the time of year that I seek from the Lord what my word of the next year should be. I sensed He was letting me know that Light is my word/theme. My mind flooded with many facets of meaning for the word and I asked for one more confirmation in the coming days. I believe finding your writing about Light was His confirmation for me. Thank you Gail!

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