Amber Schamel visits us today with her non-fiction book about women of courage–sisters who made a difference during their time. I’ve recently become acquainted with the Grimke sisters through this book, and am reminded of how guidance comes to individuals. We meet certain people, discover similar interests and share our passions. Then we make choices about how much to become involved.
This was true of these pre-Civil War sisters reared on a Southern plantation. As they matured, no one would ever have guessed how their lives would proceed, and what consequences would resul from the decisions they made..
Over this Memorial Day weekend, we’re already mindful of many others who “did their bit” to alter an ugly side of history. Here’s to all of them!
Amber is giving away a free signed paperback (in the U.S.) to a commenter.
Doing what’s right is not without cost.
That was a concept that was difficult for me to grasp. As a little girl growing up, I latched onto the thought that if you did things right, if you followed the rules, life would be easier, and you wouldn’t have to pay the consequences. What I failed to realize is that there are often consequences of right actions too, and sometimes even a punishment. The women we’re talking about today certainly experienced this.
Sarah and Angelina Grimke were raised on a slave-holding cotton plantation in South Carolina. Despite her very southern upbringing, Sarah always knew something was wrong about the way her family’s farm operated on the backs of human beings. Her conflicting convictions caused dissention between her and the rest of her family. When Angelina was born, Sarah was a great influence on her, and she too saw the horror of slavery.
After the death of their father, the pair of sisters ended up in a Quaker settlement in Pennsylvania. They did not intend to become voices in the fight for racial equality and the end of slavery in America; actually, their public careers launched rather accidentally. Still, it was not without cost.
Angry mobs of people opposing their views turned violent against them on more than one occasion. They received hate mail and threats. As if the persecution from the outside was not enough, the two sisters also took blows from those closest to them. Their family in South Carolina disowned them and threatened to have them arrested if they returned. Their Quaker community wasn’t any better. They were excommunicated from the fellowship, not because of their views, but because they vocalized their views.
Yet, after all this, they still continued to advocate for their right cause.
As we enter this season of Memorial Day, we remember the lives of many people who paid the price of a right cause. It is good to remember. It is right for us to muse and memorialize these lives. So please take time to do that. But I also challenge you to ask yourself a question. After looking at the inspiring lives of so many people who fought for the right regardless of the cost…what will I do? What is the righteous cause I was meant to fight for?
And once you find it, pray God gives you the courage to follow through.

The remarkable lives of twelve sisters who changed the course of history.
Historians paint pictures of amazing men and women who influenced the world, but seldom do we hear about sister duos that forever altered the course of history. Whether fighting together—or against each other—these twelve women set armies to flight, guarded homelands from invasion, transformed countries and religious systems, and begat nations. From mythical Athena and Artemis, to the English thrones of Mary & Elizabeth Tudor, the influence these women left behind is taken for granted. Join us on an inspirational journey through time as we explore the extraordinary lives of Sisters Who Changed History.
*Athena & Artemis (Ancient Greek Mythology)
*Rachel & Leah (Ancient Palestine)
*Tru’ng Trac & Tru’ng Nhi (Vietnam)
*Mary & Anne Boleyn (England)
*Mary & Elizabeth Tudor (England)
*Angelina & Sarah Grimke (United States)
Buy Links for 12 Sisters
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Amber Schamel is the author of Solve by Christmas, and the two-time winner of the Christian Indie Award for historical fiction. She writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. Her passions for travel, history, books and her Savior results in what her readers call “historical fiction at its finest”. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado as a very happy newlywed. Amber is a proud member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association. Visit her online at download a FREE story by subscribing to her Newsletter!

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Hi Amber. This book sounds fascinating! History is one of my interests and I often read about women archaeologists, as well as those in other roles and adventures. I never thought about how sisters have made their mark. I look forward to reading this one too.
Hello Barbara,
Thank you for stopping by the blog today! I’m sure many of the women archeologists you’ve read about have left legacies behind as well. It’s fascinating to think about how one life can change the world.
I hope you enjoy the book!
I’m posting this for Irene Kain who is going through a rough time after her husband’s surgery (b/c it came into my e-mail instead for posting here.)
Inspirational stories are always needed but at certain times their value is greater when dealing with major events. This book is one I am interested in reading. With the effects of the pandemic still lingering I am excited about holding a new inspirational book in my hands.
Hello Irene,
I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s surgery. Those things are always hard, but even more so with the pandemic going on. My grandpa just had open heart surgery after a heart attack, and the virus has made his recovery more complicated. So I understand what you’re going through.
I hope you find inspiration and hope while enjoying this book. God bless you!
Enjoyed reading some interesting historical facts. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by, J.D.! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Best wishes in the giveaway.
Queen Elizabeth is a fascinating character to me. Her efforts to procure for her people a future created an outstanding legacy. Even though her brother Edward wasn’t sure of her convictions. She became a beloved queen still loved today. Edward would be proud of how she handled the countries political and religious affairs.
I agree with you, Alyssa. Queen Elizabeth has always fascinated me and has been a favorite historical character of mine for as long as I can remember. Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like a fascinating book about women who acted from their own consciences. A lesson for today, that’s for sure.
Thanks for stopping by, Cleo! I hope you get the chance to read the book.
The winner of 12 Sisters Who Changed History is….Barbara VonDerOsten!
Congratulations, Barbara! Please send me an email with your contact information so I can get your prize out to you.
visionwriter2 at gmail dot com.