This photo may not prove too inspiring. But it is to me.
Today I sat out in the sun (suddenly it’s HOT and sultry in Iowa), and was able to do a stitch of planting. Nothing like I’d normally be doing, but the same satisfying sensation filled me at having shaken some Mesclun and spinach seeds into this pot and sifted soil over them.

What exactly is this feeling? Something like hope, I think. Very small deposits can result in huge outcomes. I admit, it’s been tough at times lately not to lag in hope. Being injured brings a barrel of side-effects with it, not all physical.
Oh, we all know the promises . . . we memorized them long ago. But during times like this, we need those promises to energize our faith. The night before my surgery, something like this occurred, and I cherish this memory.
A night nurse said, “Wow, you’ve had a bad year.”
My instant reaction? “Well, actually a lot of really good things have happened to me this year.”
“Oh, really?”
So true. It’s been quite the eventful twelve months in our lives, and I clung to those manifestations of GOOD during the painful interval before the surgeons worked their magic on my broken bone.
Right there with me–holding me close–God whispered, “If I could accomplish those things, then I can take care of you now. Peace.”
And peace came. These golden moments we’re given mean everything. The times we’ve witnessed broken relationships mended, the times we’ve watched a loved one struggle and come through the battle whole . . . these amount to golden moments.
They plant seeds of faith in us to nurture. As William Samuel Johnson wrote long ago, To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.
In our characters’ lives and in our own, it behooves us to pay attention to the golden moments.
Such great thoughts. I planted herbs in the planter that our son gave me for Mother’s Day. Just digging into the soil with my bare hands was quite a good feeling. I can’t express it as well as you do!! I guess we’ll always be farmer’s daughters! Happy planting!
Yes…you can take the daughter off the farm, but not the farm out of the daughter…(:
I thanked God this morning that I have such a wonderful home to feel crummy in, and a husband who still likes having me around!
I like that, Joy. Sometimes I get down and having a roof over my head, heat and running water are major things to be grateful for.
Yes, me too. Lance has been SO good about doing all of the necessary work this involves. Sigh…glad you can relate.
OhGsOh, Gail, there is something healing in playing with seeds and dirt. It’s magic to see them sprout and grow, producing vegetables you harvest and enjoy. Gardening helped us cope with Covid and got us out of the house. My grandsons liked to help pick cherry tomatoes and ate them right off the plant last summer. The older boy loves picking and eating radishes! We need to go plant shopping soon—we have four raised garden beds to fill. It’s wonderful to see you getting out of the house, and writing!
It’s good to go out, even tho it’s just on our deck–sunshine and fresh air. Our grand kiddos have always enjoyed helping in the garden, too.
Amen Ms. Gail. Thank you for the reminder that we must “Look for the Good.”
Especially nowadays, I think, when evil and negativity seem so very prevalent. thanks for your encouragement thru the last few weeks!
Nothing like experiencing one of God’s golden moments, Gail. May He continue to heal you!
Truly. I’d love to hear about one of yours.
Fresh air and sunshine! God’s gift during the gloomy times in our lives. Good to know you’re back at one of your favorite pastimes: playing in dirt!
Love that. Playing in the dirt is healing! Hope you are able to get out more and let that sun bake it’s healing rays into you, Gail!
Yep. Small things.
So glad you could do a bit of planting. Wonder how your words affected the nurse? There is a big difference between rose colored glasses and choosing to see and remember the good, or as Paul said, “count it all joy.” It doesn’t deny the hard stuff–just refocuses our perspective. Thanks for sharing.
I wonder, too. May never know. So right about not denying the hard stuff and refocusing. (: You’ve had lots of opportunities to do this!
Gardening has been so integral to my life, having been gifted to me by my mother and grandmother. Now my daughter lives wholly through it. I am nurtured by nature. I plant flowers as a testimony to God’s beautiful earth and vegetables to honor his sustenance for my life.
Wonderful! Where do you live? Do you get to do this most of the year long?