Welcome to Karen Allen, a cancer survivor who uses her experience to encourage others. Karen’s book cover features lavender rather than pink to encompass all types of cancer, and she’s giving away a copy of her book to someone who leaves a comment.
Sixteen years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer while working in a cancer research laboratory at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. God was gracious in that the diagnosis stemmed from an enlarged lymph node deep in my armpit. Surgery was followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Over the next nine months the Lord dealt with me in some incredible ways turning my cancer journey into a faith journey. Indeed, my prayer a month before my diagnosis had been to increase my faith! So wah-lah . . .
Not only did God answer my prayer but He did “exceedingly, abundantly” by expanding my experience to help others turn their cancer journey into something positive. Throughout my ordeal I wrote periodic updates and emailed them to friends and family, many out of state. (Blogs were not the norm at the time.) I learned my emails were being distributed literally all over the world! Turns out, they were a source of inspiration and hope. I considered writing about my journey and approached my pastor. We felt a book would be useful but that a cancer Bible study would be even more useful. I liked the idea.

After several years and lots of setbacks, Confronting Cancer with Faith is now available as a 6-week Bible study (5 lessons per week) written to bring encouragement, comfort, and hope through the trials of cancer or any chronic illness. Confronting Cancer with Faith focuses on God, His promises and attributes. I use my experiences as anecdotes, lessons, and stories to highlight God’s work and personal touch.
The book is perfect for a small study group or cancer support group but also adapts as an independent or friend-to-friend study. Cancer survivors, co-survivors, clergy, caregivers, or anyone wanting to learn more about what a cancer patient goes through will be enlightened, encouraged, and informed by this study. Topics include fear, brokenness, death, hair loss, effect upon family members, acceptance, treatments, side-effects, relationships, perspective, wearing the survivor label, and finding contentment in the aftermath of cancer.
The book is published through Ewe R Blessed Ministries and can be ordered from Amazon. It has received international attention and won the Christian Choice Book Award for Bible studies. A quality CD entitled “The Comfort of His Holiness” produced by me and my husband can be purchased separately if desired. Both the book and CD have garnered positive feedback.

You may reach Karen at:
karen@confrontingcancerwithfaith.com http://ewerblessed.com/blog/.

What a gift to have something specific to share when a loved one receives a cancer diagnosis. It is hard to know what to say and how to support someone. This book looks like a great resource and source of comfort.
Thank you, Irene. I appreciate your response. Many have used my book to let it speak for them as a show of support. With all of the scripture in its pages, any reader can find hope.
Ms. Karen and her Ewe R Blessed blog and ministry has become one of my favorites. I love seeing this project come to fruition for her, and for the world we live in. The world needs Confronting Cancer with Faith. This book will be a “must share” for everyone I meet who has been given this terrifying diagnosis. God’s blessings ladies for sharing this with us today.
The Lord has blessed you with such a gift of encouragement, J.D. The message of God’s comfort is timeless through any and all situations, great or small. To know that His presence will never leave us is truly one of the greatest assurances we can have. Thank you for your post.
Karen, I am a breast cancer survivor and author as well! What a special project this is. My book shares my story through eyes of faith. I love that yours is much like holding the hand of a patient or person on her care team. I pray that God will touch the hearts of your readers with the comfort of His Presence. Congratulations on your survivorship and being published!
Always nice to meet a fellow survivor but especially nice to meet a survivor AND an author. I’m so glad you can detect the connection you described, Jennifer. You hit the nail on the head. Even though I share my story, it’s not really about me. It’s about the reader and his/her story, whether a patient, a caregiver, a friend, a family member or a minister and how God can teach us and grow us. I am often amazed at how He uses one situation to impact many in such catered ways. Congrats to you as well. Thanks for your response.
Karen, what a blessing you are! Having had to deal with a number of challenges in my life, I have learned to focus on the blessings I still have in my life not the ones I have lost. This has had an amazing impact on my attitude. How fortunate one is to be able to see God’s goodness and grace in every situation we face. Thank you for offering comfort and support to others facing illness and difficulties.