Julie Arduini – Entrusted: Surrendering the Present


EntrustedFinalCover2Thanks so much Julie, for being here this week.You’ve done a great job with your covers, and  I wish you all the best with your Indie publications. Now, tell us more!

ENTANGLED: Surrendering the Past, wasn’t a book I ever thought about writing. I started ENTRUSTED: Surrendering the Present years and years ago when I first visited the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate NY. As I grew in the craft and surrendered fear of what others would think, I was able to revise the work to what eventually became ENTRUSTED. I’d done enough editing on it that I knew I needed a different ending that would tie up loose plot points.

I have a team that prays for me, and I asked them to pray with me about the ending. As I did, one day the ending just came to me. I know it was God’s direction, it tied everything up perfectly. More than that, it opened the doors for Carla to have a story. I’m really excited to share ENTANGLED with everyone.

Both ENTRUSTED: Surrendering the Present and ENTANGLED: Surrendering the Past are slated for release in May. ENTRUSTED will be available for free as an ebook for awhile, so stay tuned to my Amazon and Goodreads pages, as well as follow me across social media @JulieArduini.

1 thought on “Julie Arduini – Entrusted: Surrendering the Present

  1. di&pabst;:bonaa normal que tu n’aies pas eu la dédicace d’alex garden, t’es pô venue au p’tit déj où je t’avais incrustée. pfff et ça se plaint après !

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