The word scofflaw means “a contemptuous law violator,” although the word once carried a more precise meaning. In 1924 this would-be word won a contest organized by a man named Delcevare King, who sought to describe a lawless drinker, or one who ignored Prohibition.
After Prohibition ended in 1933, this word described various types of lawbreakers, although it often applies to those who fail to pay parking tickets. Don’t you love the English language? We borrow and alter even made-up words!
Twenty years later an contemptuous law violator threatened society. Defeating him cost hundreds of thousands of lives and required immense resources. To this end, Operation Overlord, began on June 6 of that year and continued for months across Normandy.
Only inspired determination can defeat an egomaniacal enemy intent on one’s destruction. As many Allies joined with Great Britain on this day, it’s impossible to measure how much FAITH was involved.

Millions of prayers ascended as families awaited word from their sons engaged in this monumental battle to free France and Belgium. Their ultimate purpose? To reach Hitler’s Motherland and bring an end to his ruthless hatred.
On the seventy-sixth anniversary of D-Day, the first day of Operation Overload, we honor those who gave their lives in this effort. Theirs was indeed a purpose true. We also recall those who stayed at home as well. They waited, watched, and prayed for victory.
Behind the lines in occupied France, Resistance fighters bent their ears to clandestine radios, longing for word from London that the operation had begun. When it did, they went into action, destroying bridges, cutting telephone wires, and causing as much misery as possible for the Waffen SS tank battalions heading north to the fight.

Through this shelter-in-place time, my husband and I have been watching a drama about a French town during these years. What a complicated and dangerous task for those who joined the Resistance! But because of the evils perpetrated on the French people, especially those of Jewish descent, many felt they must act.
At the same time. cities and small towns along the route paid a terrible price for these acts against a ruthless oppressor. A PURPOSE TRUE celebrates the vital behind-the-scenes contribution of the Resistance before, during, and after the Normany Invasion on June 6, 1944.
Great word! We need it now.
Fascinating post, Gail. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
Many similarities today my friend. History, sadly, often repeats itself. God’s blessings and please remain safe.
Another very interesting article, Gail. You are so knowledgeable about this time period. I love to read the information you share.
Thanks, J.D.