Still Waiting

Yes, Advent, the time of waiting and watching for the birth of our Savior, has passed. But we will still wait as the new year comes and our lives continue.

Does waiting ever get easier? Not in my experience! I used to think I’d become less impatient with age, but that has yet to occur.

The quote below reminds us of the various aspects of waiting. We often wish we had more time to simply BE, but when that happens, we’re often uncomfortable with the quiet, the lack of running around, worrying, pushing our way through each day.

What does it mean to linger, to tarry without anxiety? The best explanation I find is included in this quote: STAYING.

Remaining. Ceasing all motion.


The final sentence gives us the secret of such a pose. It’s knowing something’s on the horizon. It’s focusing on something wonderful, something called hope.

So here’s to a New Year for one and all, filled with this precious commodity.

Writing and acorns and a new year…

Once again, we’ve crossed the Great Plains and wound down through New Mexico and northern Arizona to the Mogollon Rim. Today, Lance tackled some window cleaning, and I texted some friends and family this photo of him at work.

Not to be outdone, he texted this one, with the following caption:

IMG_1696                                           WHAT WRITERS DO.

What can I say? I was having a New Year’s moment, filled with gratitude for being here in the Arizona mountains, and for some potential good news about one of my submitted manuscripts. I’m a writer, so I guess this IS what writers do!

I also heard from WordCrafts Press that A PURPOSE TRUE is on sale now through January 1, 2018, one half off, exclusively at You can purchase ebooks in a variety of formats, including .epub for e-readers like Nook, Kobo, iPad, etc., and in .mobi for Kindle. Just go to the site and the discount is already in place.

Later in the day, Lance found time to attend to his hobby…the woodpeckers are still here!


Still eating acorns and leaving the tops behind.


Leaving behind what we don’t need…not a bad philosophy as another year rolls around. Fears, doubts, misgivings, conflicts – moving away from them all and into 2018.