Not complaining, but where did May go? All of a sudden, Memorial Day is already over–and the seventy-fifth anniversary of D-Day is upon us.
I’ve been enjoying the fabulous photos my husband Lance brings me from the great outdoors, and getting ready for the release of my next World War II novel, UNTIL THEN. Some of you may remember that old song…well, our heroine LIVED it.

A Waterloo, IA native, Dorothy served for five years. At the Battle of the Bulge, during D-Day, at Anzio, and in a lot of other places you’ll recognize. What an incredible Greatest Generation woman–I’m so pleased to be able to honor her by telling her story.

Here she is during some of her training. Be watching, we’ll be revealing the cover of Until Then for you one of these days.

Like this mother robin Lance captured in her nest, I’m waiting for my new book chick to hatch. Just FYI, I also am having a stem cell procedure in my hip, so am also waiting/praying for healing. Now, enjoy rural Iowa through Lance’s lens.