This wonderful blog is all about women flourishing, regardless of age, and I would like to multiply its readers by sharing it with you here.
My friend Rhoda Preston is reading No Stopping Us Now: The Adventures of Older Women in American History, by Gail Collins, a decade-by-decade survey of the changing attitudes towards older women in the United States.
Here’s where you can access Rhoda’s post, and more enticing tidbits about some intriguing women in our nation’s history. One thing they were able to do: embrace the moment.
Take a minute to check out this post–you won’t regret it!
I’m embracing these moments here under Arizona’s Mogollon Rim, and sharing Lance’s latest flora and fauna photos. The people who live here think we’re pretty weird to come in winter–most people arrive in summer, to escape the heat of the Phoenix area.
But for us, it’s just gorgeous and the altitude helps me so much. I hope you enjoy this taste of the beauty that surrounds us.

The CUTEST baby elk!!!

GET a load of these INCREDIBLE neck muscles…gotta reach those leaves!

Our front yard just happens to be on their way.