Another great day at the track for our granddaughter. Her team took first overall, her 4 X 100 team won their relay, and she set a new record in the 100 meter race for this meet.

Here’s her heat, just before the race starts. She’s paying attention…she wants to do her personal best. As she told me about her self-talk before the long jump, “Grandma, I told myself, ‘Jump as if your life depended on it!'”
During World War II, many individuals rose to their personal best. We could say that for Twila Fae Brunner, the heroine in All For The Cause.
Some of you have already read how she discovered her vocation and honed her skills to contribute to the war effort. She experienced some bumps along the way, but don’t we all?
Today I’ll be at the Algona, Iowa POW Museum for this book launch. It’s exciting to think that my labors have come to fruition–it was about four years ago when I discovered the museum and began researching this novel.

I can say I did my personal best in this endeavor, and also in my next novel, Until Then. This Waterloo, Iowa nurse’s story is truly a saga–five years of service in six different war theaters. You’ll be seeing more about this book during the month of May, and won’t be surprised to learn that it debuts on D-Day. Fitting.